Accounts not visible in Balance Sheet
There are couple of accounts in the Chart of Accounts, that should be included in the Balance Sheet report, but they are not.
Is there an option to add them somehow?
This answer was correct
Created byPaul Timms12:13 25 Sep 2015
Hi Marie

Yes there is, the Balance Sheet is a user-definable report.

Go to Nominal Ledger>>Settings>>Report Settings, and double click on Balance Sheet. Here you can insert the accounts into the right place in the report.

Please visit for a manual on how to define the report.


This answer was correct
Paul Timms
Hi Marie

Yes there is, the Balance Sheet is a user-definable report.

Go to Nominal Ledger>>Settings>>Report Settings, and double click on Balance Sheet. Here you can insert the accounts into the right place in the report.

Please visit for a manual on how to define the report.


Mare Raidma
Just a note, that in USA, Canada and Australia, the Nominal Ledger is called General Ledger.
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