KPI Not showing previous and current month Values
Kristie O
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The KPI are not showing Previous and current amounts see snippet
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Brittany McGrath
Hi Kristie,
Thank you for your question.

I have asked someone from our technical team to assist accordingly and they will come back to you shortly.
More for you soon.
George Costa
Hi Kristie,

Can you please show me a screenshot of the definitions of your KPI?
Go to System Module, settings "Key Performance Indicators" and find the definitions of one of those KPIs.

George Costa
PM HansaWorld
Kristie O
Created byGeorge Costa12:07 4 Apr 2022
Hi Kristie, Can you please show me a screenshot of the definitions of your KPI? Go to System Module, settings "Key Performance Indicators" and find the definitions of one of those KPIs. George Costa PM HansaWorld

I see all of the company so no person is set.
I believe that this is because we are using a windows system and the refresh is only for MACS
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George Costa
Hi Kristie,

Do you have OK invoices with dates from 01/04 to 05/04 and from 01/03 to 05/03?

George Costa
PM HansaWorld
George Costa

Can you also let me know in which version is your SERP?

George Costa
PM HansaWorld
Brittany McGrath
Hi Kristie,
Can you advise if you still require help with this issue or if it has been resolved?
Thank you.
Kristie O
Hi We have plenty of invoices
Our version is 8.5 2021-08-28
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