Dil Hayre

A couple of questions please on forms.

1) Is it possible to print out all the form templates in the "formatted" view, i.e. to check that the layout prints okay.

2) What determines which form template is used? e.g. when printing an invoice. Is it on the contact/customer card?

Fernanda Casique

1. This functionality is not available yet in SERP. You can print preview a document to check layout.

2. You can go to Forms into the module you want to define it, select an option from the list, and operation menu > Define form, from there you have all configurations available to setup: Language, Access Group, Number Series, Status

For example "Invoices":

Sales Ledger Module> Forms> Select Invoices > Operation Menu> Define Form

You can find more information visiting this link:

This answer was useful
Fabio de Andrade

1. This functionality is not available yet in SERP. You can print preview a document to check layout.

2. You can go to Forms into the module you want to define it, select an option from the list, and operation menu > Define form, from there you have all configurations available to setup: Language, Access Group, Number Series, Status

For example "Invoices":

Sales Ledger Module> Forms> Select Invoices > Operation Menu> Define Form

You can find more information visiting this link:

Dil Hayre
Created byFabio de Andrade11:26 9 Feb 2021
Hi, 1. This functionality is not available yet in SERP. You can print preview a document to check layout. 2. You can go to Forms into the module you want to define it, select an option from the list, and operation menu > Define form, from there you hav
Hi Fernanda,

Thank you for your reply. Your answers helped.


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