Can't update version
Stephan B. Hertzog

I am having problems updating to the latest version and I find no way to work around it. When I log into MyStandard I see three databases, two of them which is not running, and which I think are versions that I have tried to make.

There is one marked Busk & Hertzog Ltd., which I presume is the correct one. However, there is no options available for this version, so I can't connect to it, when I try to install a new version, nor is it possible to see any information or download a version or back up of the database.

Could you please help me?

Within the desktop application I previously had an option for making a back up, when I had everything installed locally, but a year ago, I needed to make an update due to the update of Mac OS, and since then (I think) the database is in the cloud. But I have no back-up of it, and nor see it anywhere either, which is very worrying. I would really appreciate your help asap.

Thank you

Arthur Ferretti
Hi Stephan,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please confirm your customer code and address.
Thank you very much,


Stephan B. Hertzog
Created byArthur Ferretti10:47 9 Mar 2020
Hi Stephan, Thank you for your message. Could you please confirm your customer code and address. Thank you very much, Arthur Hansaworld
Hi Arthur,

Yes, our customer code is 1086863 and our address is 58 Agiou Athanasiou, 4102 Limassol, Cyprus.

Arthur Ferretti
Hi Stephan,

Thank you for the info.

Actually the first customer code does not match with the second. There is no name registered for 1086863 as it says only "company 1".
I believe you are trying to use standard accounts and not Standard ERP, could you please confirm.

Additionally I need the following information:

1 - Which system are you using?
2- Which version you currently have?
3- Which version are you trying to update?
4- I don't see any cloud controller.. Do you have a cloud controller on your server?
5- Is your server on the cloud or on premises (at your office)?

please let me know and I am going to identify the best next step.

Thank you,


Stephan B. Hertzog
Hi again

Yes, you are right, I am using Standard Accounts which we have been using since 2001 - at that time it was called something else.

During all those years we have always had our database and all data locally. But around a year ago, an update was required due to the change of the MAC OS, and in the new update, which was an extreme hazle doing, the database suddenly was removed from being locally to being in the cloud. At the same time, it was no longer possible to do any kind of back up to have here locally.

I have been trying looking into a way of solving this a number of times, but without any success. Nor have I been able to find any documentation. I have then tried to see if I could update Standard Accounts to the latest version to see if this somehow could fix it. When I log into Standard Accounts and click on Marketplace and then my account details the client number 1086863 is the client number. The company name Busk & Hertzog Ltd and the address 58 Agiou Athanasiou, Limassol, Cyprus is what i says.

When I log into MyStandard I can see 3 companies - 2 saying 1 Company and not running and the last one Busk & Hertzog Ltd - but nor saying if it is running nor is there any kind of options to choose when you click on it.

To answer your other questions:

1. I am running Mac OS Mojave
2. I am currently using Standard Accounts 8.5 2019-04-15
3. To the latest version

4. I don't know what an cloud controller is

5. I used to have the database here locally on my computer but there it no longer is. Standardaccount is installed locally on one computer

I hope that you can find a way to help me either by finding a way to make a complete back up of the data that I have and then migrate to a new version other version, even if we have to pay a monthly subscription to do so.

Thanks for your kind attention.

Stephan B. Hertzog
I don't know if it is of any use, but I attach this screen shot from the "about" in the Standard Accounts
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Stephan B. Hertzog
Hello Arthur,

Have you had a chance to look at the informations provided?

Thank you

Michael Wyeth
Hi Stephan

It looks to me that the system with customer code: 1086863 is the correct one. I can find this on MyStandard.
I have found other customer codes for you, but none of these appear in MyStandard.

You should be able to select the "update version" for the system 1086863. I suggest selecting version 2019-09-15.
Note: you do not need to enter anything into the "Cache" field.

Once the server is updated, opening the application on your computer should prompt it to update as well. After it has done this, you will be able to continue to use Standard Accounts.

Best Regards,

HansaWorld support
Stephan B. Hertzog
Hi again,

Thanks for your reply.

The problem is that the client number 1086863 doesn't appear on Mystandard page. I presume however, that it is the one that doesn't have a client number but our company name. But when I click on Busk & Hertzog Ltd, no options for updating software etc is there.

That is the problem I don't know how to get around. Please see the attached screenshot.
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This answer was useful
Michael Wyeth
Created byStephan B. Hertzog14:11 30 Mar 2020
Hi again, Thanks for your reply. The problem is that the client number 1086863 doesn't appear on Mystandard page. I presume however, that it is the one that doesn't have a client number but our company name. But when I click on Busk & Hertzog Ltd, no
Hi Stephan

I have added you standard ID to the company 1086863, so you should be able to see it in MyStandard now - you may need to log out and log back in.

I used the email address If this is not the Standard ID you use to login to MyStandard with, please let me know which one you use, and I will add that.

Best regards,

HansaWorld Support
Stephan B. Hertzog
I managed to log on and now saw the client 1086683 and could also do the update to the version 2019-09-15.

Thank you for your help.

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