the limit is 5mb, currently there is -641358MB free, add the parameter
Kenneth Macharia
Dear Support,

I note that when I have finished doing the text file restore onto my v8.5 upgrade test platform and I attempt to run the .exe file, I am getting the error the as below.....

limit is 5mb, currently there is -641358MB free, add the parameter "--disable-freespace-check" to run anyway.

However, I have more than enough space on my server disk, almost 3 TB free.

Kindly advice
This answer was correct
Created bySimone M.09:32 6 Feb 2020
Hi Kenneth,
please check that .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later is installed and all Windows Updates are installed as well.

Best Regards,
HansaWorld Support
Simone M.
Hi Kenneth,
which version are you running?

We had this bug, but has been fixed in the latest version.

Best Regards,
HansaWorld Support
Kenneth Macharia
Created bySimone M.13:44 5 Feb 2020
Hi Kenneth, which version are you running? We had this bug, but has been fixed in the latest version. Best Regards, HansaWorld Support
Dear Simone,

Its an upgrade version 8.5 2019-11-26, Build 85330317

Do you have much more newer version than this and which url link can I download it from?

Simone M.
Hello Kenneth,
you can download the latest released version (Standard ERP 2020-01-07 Build 85330517) from

Best Regards,
HansaWorld Support
Kenneth Macharia
Created bySimone M.14:55 5 Feb 2020
Hello Kenneth, you can download the latest released version (Standard ERP 2020-01-07 Build 85330517) from Best Regards, HansaWorld Support
Hi Simone

I managed to download and install Standard ERP 2020-01-07 Build 85330517 and noted the following;

If I install the upgrade test both client and server on my independent laptop its working well. The laptop OS is windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I tested both server services and client linking are running very well after text file restoration from the old version 8.1 backup file.

However, I do a replica of the above on my server hardware whose OS is windows server 2016 standard 64 bit, I note it installs successfully and upon completion and attempt to run the .exe, it prompts you back to the same error of the hard disk space as I had indicated in my earlier comment/post. Could there be an issue with the Operating system in view of the error after installation?

Thanks and regards

This answer was correct
Simone M.
Hi Kenneth,
please check that .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later is installed and all Windows Updates are installed as well.

Best Regards,
HansaWorld Support
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