8.1 to 8.5 issue
So, I have an issue with updating to 8.5.

We have to update to 8.5 due to the making tax digital changes, the problem is, version 8.5 2019-03-22 (85290119) will not open on my mac running mac OS Sierra. Fine you say, update to High Sierra and that will fix the issue. The only problem there is, then my actual live version of Hansa 8.1 will not run on High Sierra!!

How can it be that the latest version of Hansa cannot run on a operating system less than 3 years old! How am I supposed to test 8.5 while still running on 8.1? Is there a workaround for this issue?


Tomas J.

8.5 is only supported with High Sierra and Mojave. Workaround is to test 8.5 on different newer Mac, Windows or install parallels and install High Sierra/Mojave into parallels. In this way you will have both system on one machine.


Hansaworld support
Created byTomas J.12:58 24 Apr 2019
Hello, 8.5 is only supported with High Sierra and Mojave. Workaround is to test 8.5 on different newer Mac, Windows or install parallels and install High Sierra/Mojave into parallels. In this way you will have both system on one machine. Regards, Hansa

I honestly cannot believe that Hansa’s workaround is to buy a new Mac!
I have a brand new MacBook Pro bought less than a year ago, it came with OSX Sierra installed, It is ludicrous to find out that 8.5 cannot run on any Mac OS older than 2 or 3 years, I could possibly understand 5 or 6 years, but 2 or 3 is ridiculous!

Fine if 8.1 can run on High Sierra, but to not be able to run both 8.1 and 8.5 on the same OS is a huge oversight by Hansa, how on earth is anyone supposed to test an update from one to the other without going out and spending money on either a new machine or as you suggested, parallels! Is Hansa going to subsidise the cost of one of these solutions to make up for their total lack of forethought!

This really is not good enough, Hansa!
Tomas J.
There is no need of buying new machine, update your mac to newest Mojave or high sierra. Parallels is free up-to 14 days.

Also note that Hansaworld recommends customers to always update to newest versions. There where already 3 in the way:
8.1 > 8.2 > 8.3 > 8.4 > 8.5

If you did not do so, and now are blaming us, sorry, but this is your own fault.

Hansaworld support.

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