Unable to install Standard ERP on MBPro with T2 chip running Mojave
Alan Goldberg

I'm trying to install a copy of Standard ERP on my new MacBook Pro (2018 model) running Mojave 10.14.4 but it refuses to launch.

I get the following error dialogue boxes, all which error messages point to the app being quarantined.

I am running Standard ERP 8.0 on my Mac. The same copy installs on other Macs in our office running the same version of the OS, but these are 2016 models which only have the T1 chip installed. This might be a red herring, but I believe the security model is causing the problems. When the app launches, it is move to a translocation folder (the path in the attached error message). All my research into this is that this is a holding space until the security measures are dealt with.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Tomas J.

Standard Erp 8.0 is not supported anymore. Meaning it was not meant to work on High Sierra/Mojave. If it runs on some machines, you're just lucky. Only Standard ERP 8.4 and 8.5 are officially supported for Mojave.

So you should update your server as you're running an outdated/unsupported version.

Best regards,

Hansaworld support
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