Update to 8.5 - Incompatible version of database
I just tried to update a test system from 8.4 to 8.5 and I now i get this error in the log when I try and start the server?

2018-10-29 10:32:07 Exit
2018-10-29 10:32:07 Incompatible version of database found. Can't proceed: exe 8419 db 8523
2018-10-29 10:32:07 /Servers/Auto/3D52BFCA-F19080EF-AC544707-9590D933-FED4D5D7

2018-10-29 10:32:07 dbver!=DBVerNrConst
2018-10-29 10:32:07 *** Using LRU Replacement ***

2018-10-29 10:32:07 *** running with new mail receiving and parsing ***
2018-10-29 10:32:07 16384 hash table entries added
2018-10-29 10:32:07 20547 cache sectors added

Any ideas?
The database is not same version as .exe (Can't proceed: exe 8419 db 8523) Youll need to update the executable to same version as database.

Created byPer12:57 29 Oct 2018
The database is not same version as .exe (Can't proceed: exe 8419 db 8523) Youll need to update the executable to same version as database. Br. HansaWorld
So how do i do that? I thought the update version functionality took care of that all for me?
Tomas J.
Created byAlan14:40 29 Oct 2018
So how do i do that? I thought the update version functionality took care of that all for me?
Hello Alan,

How did you update? Because updating means making backup in 8.4 and importing it to 8.5.
It seems you just copied HDB to new 8.5 which is not allowed.

Hansaworld support
Created byTomas J.08:30 31 Oct 2018
Hello Alan, How did you update? Because updating means making backup in 8.4 and importing it to 8.5. It seems you just copied HDB to new 8.5 which is not allowed. Hansaworld support
I used the Update Version function from my standard, the exact way I updated from 8.1 to 8.4 and all the later versions of 8.4 up to today.
Tomas J.
Created byAlan15:24 31 Oct 2018
I used the Update Version function from my standard, the exact way I updated from 8.1 to 8.4 and all the later versions of 8.4 up to today.
To which specific version of 8.4 to which specific version of 8.5 you tried to update?

We recommend to try to update once more to 8.5 2018-10-18 test version.

If still it fails, try to just import backup to that 8.5 version.
Created byTomas J.15:28 31 Oct 2018
To which specific version of 8.4 to which specific version of 8.5 you tried to update? We recommend to try to update once more to 8.5 2018-10-18 test version. If still it fails, try to just import backup to that 8.5 version.
I am updating from 8.4 2018 - 07 - 26 using the Update Version function in Mystandard.
The only version available to update to when i do this is Test Version: 8.5 2018-10-04. How do i get to update to 2018 - 10 - 18?
Tomas J.
Created byAlan17:23 31 Oct 2018
I am updating from 8.4 2018 - 07 - 26 using the Update Version function in Mystandard. The only version available to update to when i do this is Test Version: 8.5 2018-10-04. How do i get to update to 2018 - 10 - 18?
8.5 2018-10-18 is still being tested and not released for public yet.

Did you try to update again?
We tested, and there were no problems on updating from 8.4 2018-07-26 to 8.5 2018-10-04.

Hansaworld support
Created byTomas J.09:43 5 Nov 2018
8.5 2018-10-18 is still being tested and not released for public yet. Did you try to update again? We tested, and there were no problems on updating from 8.4 2018-07-26 to 8.5 2018-10-04. Regards, Hansaworld support
Okay, so none of this really makes any sense.
I have finally managed to update to 5.1 2018 - 10 - 04 from Mystandard, it took ages and wouldn’t let me start the server all weekend, but finally I got it to run this morning.

On your website https://www.standardinstall.com/main?appos=2&appcc=GBR&appprod=StandardERP&vermode=1

the only 8.5 version available is Standard ERP Server 2018-10-18 so I could not download a client from there. Why if 8.5 2018-10-18 is still being tested and not released for public, is it the only 8.5 version available for download?

I then downloaded a client for 8.5 2018 - 10 - 4 from the Mystandard Connect function, but when I try and launch it, I get the error that “Standard ERP cannot be opened because of a problem.”

I have attached a screenshot and the mac bug report for more info.
I am running macOS Sierra on a MB Pro 15inch 2017
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Tomas J.
You can download 2018-10-04 from here:

it should run, if it doesn't we advise to update your mac to MAC OS High Sierra.


Hansaworld support
Created byTomas J.14:04 5 Nov 2018
You can download 2018-10-04 from here: https://standardinstall.com/main/download?file=%2Fdownloads%2Fpackages%2F85230014%2Fstandarderp%2Fgbr%2Fstandarderp.dmg&ss=264772&dlsource=standard-install.com it should run, if it doesn't we advise to update your m
That version will not open on my mac.
So you are saying that Starndard ERP now requires high sierra or later to run!!!

Has it been fully tested on Mojave?
Tomas J.
Created byAlan15:30 5 Nov 2018
That version will not open on my mac. So you are saying that Starndard ERP now requires high sierra or later to run!!! Has it been fully tested on Mojave?
All 8.5 versions are not released yet, what means they are test versions and may have bugs. Yes we test SERP on High Sierra and Mojave.
Yes, 8.5 versions will require as minimum High Sierra, and minimum Windows 7 to operate + visual c++ 2017.

Best regards,

Hansaworld support
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