External Emails and TLS/SSL
Dave Briggs
Hi there,

We have a few customers who use Gmail for their email client.
We have setup Standard ERP (version 8.4 2018-01-26) so that it bounces the emails from Hansa through Google’s basic relay.
However, we have discovered that Google have stopped the use of their basic SMTP relaying for security reasons.
We think we need to swap so that it works through Googles smtp.gmail.com using port 587 but this requires TLS/SSL – is there a way of getting Standard ERP to use TLS/SSL for sending external emails or is there a better way that you know of?


Best wishes


This answer was correct
Created byDave Briggs11:42 22 Oct 2018
Thanks, we'll give it a try and let you know how we get on.

Best wishes

Pijus Juodis

You can use the checkbox in Email and Conferences module >> Settings >> Email SMTP Server >> SMTPS (deprecated) and specify the appropriate port (587).

Best regards,
HansaWorld support
This answer was correct
Dave Briggs
Created byPijus Juodis16:04 17 Oct 2018
Hello, You can use the checkbox in Email and Conferences module >> Settings >> Email SMTP Server >> SMTPS (deprecated) and specify the appropriate port (587). Best regards, HansaWorld support
Thanks, we'll give it a try and let you know how we get on.

Best wishes

This answer was useful
Tomas J.

it depends which port you want to use for GMAIL SMTP
more on gmail setup here:

If you want to use port 465, than:
Port 465 with SSL ticked (use the checkbox in Email and Conferences module >> Settings >> Email SMTP Server >> SMTPS (deprecated))

If you want to use port 587:
Port 587 with SSL not ticked (UNTICK the checkbox in Email and Conferences module >> Settings >> Email SMTP Server >> SMTPS (deprecated))

Note: The first time the Gateway signs in to Gmail, it will be rejected. Google will send a mail to the gmail address entitled "Review blocked sign-in attempt". This mail will contain a link that you should use to "allow access to less secure apps". After allowing this, the gateway will be able to log in.
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