saving user name version 8.4
Our clients keep saving the email not the user name like previous version as the login information . This cauese the result that you every time need to erase the email and change to the user name or we cannot login .

How can we go back to the old ways where it saves the login name not the email that is usless since we cannot use it for login.

Yes, I have added it to system>>register>>user>>user standard ID and I have ticked the system>>settings>>standard ID client tickbox.

Pijus Juodis

Can you please let us understand the underlying issues you have in regards to connecting to the application?
I have a few questions about your attempts to login:

1. Which version are you currently using?
2. Has logging in with your email address worked at any point while using application?
3. If yes, has it stopped after some update? Which version did you update from, and which version did you update to?
4. Are the Standard IDs (email addresses) validated? Meaning, that you should have received validation emails when email address was entered on a user's card.

Additionally, you can try the following:
1. Reset StandardID password. You can do that from this page:
2. If that does not work, I can suggest to try to:
2.1. Remove Standard ID and email address fields from the User's card
2.2.Then try to login with Username and Password
2.3. Then the system will ask you to enter email address. You can use existing one and, when proceeding, confirm it by entering your Standard ID password.

Please let me know the answers to the questions.

Thank you!

Best regards,
HansaWorld support
1. Which version are you currently using?
8,4 2018-07-26
2. Has logging in with your email address worked at any point while using application?

3. If yes, has it stopped after some update? Which version did you update from, and which version did you update to?
se above
4. Are the Standard IDs (email addresses) validated? Meaning, that you should have received validation emails when email address was entered on a user's card.

Yes, they are vailided

Additionally, you can try the following:
1. Reset StandardID password. You can do that from this page:

It solved the problem

2. If that does not work, I can suggest to try to:
2.1. Remove Standard ID and email address fields from the User's card
2.2.Then try to login with Username and Password
2.3. Then the system will ask you to enter email address. You can use existing one and, when proceeding, confirm it by entering your Standard ID password.

Please let me know the answers to the questions.

Issue resolved

Second issue, we want the system to save user name and password.

we have unticked ticked localmachine >>settings>>login options, do not ask if automatic login should be saved.

we have logged out and in, still it ask for password

Pijus Juodis

We are not recommending saving the password due to GDPR.

If there is a need to do so, you can login with your Username (not email address) and password. When system asks if you want to remember the password, select "Yes".

This functionality will not work if you login using your StandardID (email address) as a username.

Best regards,

HansaWorld support
Well, the suggest version do not work as I stated above. It do not allow me to save a username for as login , only standardID are saved.
So ask again of you to read what was writtinen and come back with a respons to my first question.
Pijus Juodis

To refer to your problem stated here: "Second issue, we want the system to save user name and password."

I can assure that the functionality of saving Username and Password is working. However, as I wrote before "This functionality will not work if you login using your StandardID (email address) as a username."

So, let me describe the possible login cases and explain how they work:

1. You login with Username and Password and select "Yes" to remember password question:
- If you quit the application and launch it again, you will be logged in directly and login screen will not be displayed
- If you log out from the application (meaning, select the "Key" (on Mac) or "Door" (on Windows) icon from the Navigation Center), then by default the StandardID will be placed as username

2. You login with StandardID and Password and select "Yes" to remember password question:
- This functionality is not supported and next time you will still have to login by entering the password. StandardID will be placed as username by default in all cases.

I hope this helps you to understand the problem and possible solutions.
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