Urgent - cannot email Hansa ?
Hi team - we've been unable to contact you for the past few days. Emails are bouncing and no calls are ever picked up.

Is anyone home ??

supportaustralia@hansaworld.com (supportaustralia@hansaworld.com)
Your message couldn't be delivered. Try to send it again later. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin.

australia@hansaworld.com (australia@hansaworld.com)
Your message couldn't be delivered. Try to send it again later. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin.

This answer was correct
Created byHansaWorld support Nordics03:38 15 Jan 2018

I've sent you an email to see if it gets trough. We have no issues receiving emails from others, so something is is off here.

Can you please let me know what we can help you with? If you could make a new forum post in the appropriate section of the forum and carefully describe the issue?

HansaWorld Support
Ester J.

I have let the person in charge of the Australian email and phone-line that there is an issue there.

Is there anything that we can help you with?

kind regards,
Created byEster J.16:48 9 Jan 2018
Hello, I have let the person in charge of the Australian email and phone-line that there is an issue there. Is there anything that we can help you with? kind regards, Ester
If you have an alternative email address to those above, I can send through a chain of emails detailing problems our customer is experiencing with the StandardERP application.

Tomas J.

Alternative is uksupport@hansaworld.com, we will then forward to Australia if you can't send directly.


Hansaworld support
Created byTomas J.10:11 10 Jan 2018
Hello, Alternative is uksupport@hansaworld.com, we will then forward to Australia if you can't send directly. Regards, Hansaworld support
Apparently we also cannot email that address.
Please see the below bounceback message.

siete.canit.se rejected your message to the following email addresses:
uksupport@hansaworld.com (uksupport@hansaworld.com)
Your message couldn't be delivered. Try to send it again later. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin.
siete.canit.se gave this error:
... smtp rejected from
HansaWorld support Nordics

Do you have a contact email we can reach you on?

HansaWorld Support

Hi Magnus, we're on support@cbm.com.au

Coincidentally your Antispam (Roaring Penguins / CanIT) is the same as ours, though you are hosted in Sweden :)

Could you check with them to allow our domain (cbm.com.au) and IP ( to be whitelisted ?
This answer was correct
HansaWorld support Nordics

I've sent you an email to see if it gets trough. We have no issues receiving emails from others, so something is is off here.

Can you please let me know what we can help you with? If you could make a new forum post in the appropriate section of the forum and carefully describe the issue?

HansaWorld Support
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