[Quite urgent] After upgrade clients are not able to log in remotely from their PCs.
Pawel Jarosz
Dear Hansa support,

We have just today upgraded our Hansa to 8.2. While users are able to log in using Hansa client that is installed on server directly, they are not able to log in using clients installed on their PCs.

After running client on local PC users get window asking what to do, when they do "connect to server" - they are able to connect but they are not seeing companies.

When they try to "synchronize with the server", next attemp to connect to server is being rejected - user is asked to give "local stand" ("Stanowisko lokalne" in polish)

What shall we do in such case?

Really pppreciate any help on this!

Kindest regards,
This answer was correct
Created byPawel Jarosz14:27 28 Dec 2016
Aaaaaannnd it works :) so the idea was to replace HANSA.HDB that has been imported (text file import) to client folder, to the server folder. Now when connecting form local client users are seeing companies to choose.
Pawel Jarosz
By saying "remotely" I meant they are not able to connect to server using client installed on their PCs.

Not after few attempts to connect to server my client fails - simply disappears by clicking "connect".
Hello Pawel,

Have you made sure that you have the same version of Standard ERP on the server and the clients? Since it works to connect to the server from a client that is on the same computer as the server you should also make sure that you don't have a firewall that is blocking access from other computers.

Kind regards,

HansaWorld Support
Pawel Jarosz
Hi Edwin,

Yes, versions are the same. I am just thinking - maybe I have installed wrong client software, I took it from here:


Server I installed is "Standard ERP Server 2016-12-18" and client I try to connect with is "Standard ERP 2016-12-18".

Kindest regards,
Created byPawel Jarosz12:43 28 Dec 2016
Hi Edwin, Yes, versions are the same. I am just thinking - maybe I have installed wrong client software, I took it from here: http://standardinstall.com/main?appos=4&appcc=POL&appprod=StandardERP&vermode=0 Server I installed is "Standard ERP Serv
Then you have the correct versions. Have you looked into your firewall settings if you have one?

Kind regards,


HansaWorld Support
The "Synchronise with server" option is not something you should use for this case. It's used in a different context. After you have connected to the server, try restarting the client to see if that will bring up the list of companies.


Pawel Jarosz

Edwin, firstly thank oyu for your prompt response! I was trying to turn off the fireall completely - no luck.

By accident I tihnk we found the problem - DB file on the client is large - 500mb, whilst on the server installation is very small (few KBs) - so it seems that all our data are now being kept on the client side.

What I ma trying to do now is importing data one more time (as I have reverted to snapshot while ago), data will be imported to the client folder, and I will try to move the DB file to the server installation folder - I think that will do the job.

Will let you know in case of failure.

Kindest regards,
Pawel Jarosz
This answer was correct
Pawel Jarosz
Aaaaaannnd it works :) so the idea was to replace HANSA.HDB that has been imported (text file import) to client folder, to the server folder. Now when connecting form local client users are seeing companies to choose.
Created byPawel Jarosz14:27 28 Dec 2016
Aaaaaannnd it works :) so the idea was to replace HANSA.HDB that has been imported (text file import) to client folder, to the server folder. Now when connecting form local client users are seeing companies to choose.
Good to hear you managed to get it working and thank you for sharing your solution with the forum.


HansaWorld Support
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