Cost Price Removed - BUG
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I believe the following is a bug:

- Launch Sample database
- Add Price List PL1 to customer 001
- Navigate to Pricing Module
- Change PF1 Price Formula from cost price to Base price
- re calculate all prices
- open item 10111 and un tick “pate components during entry”
- create new Sales Invoice
- Enter customer 001 and item 10111
- check tab C and note the value in the cost column
- Navigate to the price list tab of the invoice and remove PL1
- check tab C and note the value in the cost column. The cost has been removed.

Would someone be able to replicate and report for me, please.
Best regards,

Monica Amado
We are analysing the bug you reported, please wait for our feedback.
Monica Amado
The bug has been reported.
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