Brexit Paperwork
Question from an Irish customer:

To export / ship to the UK we will need to supply customs with Commericial invoice , packing list & delivery note. Is there a module within Hansa that would help us provide this information to customs?

Does anyone have any experience with using Hansa and the process of exporting to the UK?

Many thanks
This answer was correct
Created byFernanda Casique11:28 18 Mar 2021
Hello, Alan!

My apologies for the delay in answering your question,

We have Picking list and delivery notes in Stock module:

and Commercial invoice - Invoices are in Sales Ledger.


Fernanda Casique
This answer was correct
Fernanda Casique
Hello, Alan!

My apologies for the delay in answering your question,

We have Picking list and delivery notes in Stock module:

and Commercial invoice - Invoices are in Sales Ledger.


Fernanda Casique
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