Drill down in reports not working
In version 2018-12-07 it is not possible to drill down to non manual transactions in reports if your are usning a non english version

This is because all drill down reports are using the English names now, so Sales invoices S/INVOICE term are using even if you are using swedish language and therefore it is not possible to click on the link since swedish language recuire the term to be a swedish term .

Attached is the drill down report that opens when I use swedish language , this drill down report should not be in English but in Swedish since the report i started to use is in swedish

I am using NL>>reports >> any
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Tomas J.

Please go to System>>Registers>> Persons>> Open your person card, and add desired language to "Language" field. In your case SWE.

Now restart your main server - it will download the Swedish language, restart your client 2 times, and the language will be downloaded to your client.

After these steps, all reports should be in Swedish, and drill down working.

Best regards,

Hansaworld support
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