Processing Vendor Credit Memo
I just received a credit memo from a vendor. How can I record this amount?
This answer was correct
Created by16:50 15 May 2013
If you want to credit a Purchase Invoice that has been sent to you, follow these steps—
1. Create a new Purchase Invoice record, or copy the Purchase Invoice you want to credit. Copying will ensure that the correct Purchase Account will be credited.

2. Fill in the data in the normal way, but change the Payment Terms to “CN” and enter the number of the credited Invoice in the Cred. field on the ‘Terms’ card.

Use ‘Paste Special’ to search for the correct Purchase Invoice Number. The Invoice to be credited must be approved.

Kind regards,

HansaWorld Global Support
This answer was correct
If you want to credit a Purchase Invoice that has been sent to you, follow these steps—
1. Create a new Purchase Invoice record, or copy the Purchase Invoice you want to credit. Copying will ensure that the correct Purchase Account will be credited.

2. Fill in the data in the normal way, but change the Payment Terms to “CN” and enter the number of the credited Invoice in the Cred. field on the ‘Terms’ card.

Use ‘Paste Special’ to search for the correct Purchase Invoice Number. The Invoice to be credited must be approved.

Kind regards,

HansaWorld Global Support
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