Serial Number already registered
Peter Scott
We have encountered a problem, in entering a routine purchase order, the item is from the same batch as one previously and the system wont let us enter it flashing up a box with 'Serial Number already registered'. We do this routinely, often receiving a batch again, and this has worked for this item before. I think we've seen this behaviour before, usually associated with wrong expiry date, but I've checked everything and cant vsee an error.

We are still on 8.2 2016-10-29
This answer was correct
Created byPaul Timms17:04 26 Feb 2018
This depends on a tickbox in Stock > Settings > Cost Accounting. If "Cost Price for Serial Number" is ticked, it does not allow receiving the same serial number on multiple goods receipts. If this box is unticked, it will allow you to do this. However, this means that it will not hold the cost per batch, if you buy the same batch at different prices. So you will need to decide which method suits you better.
This answer was useful
Peter Scott
Apologies I meant to upload the screenshot
Tomas J.

we can't help with that as it's your specific data involved.

More about batch settings can be found here:

We would advice to contact a partner who could look into your data.

Partner list can be found here:

Hansaworld support
This answer was correct
Paul Timms
This depends on a tickbox in Stock > Settings > Cost Accounting. If "Cost Price for Serial Number" is ticked, it does not allow receiving the same serial number on multiple goods receipts. If this box is unticked, it will allow you to do this. However, this means that it will not hold the cost per batch, if you buy the same batch at different prices. So you will need to decide which method suits you better.
Peter Scott
Created byPeter Scott16:35 30 Jan 2018
Apologies I meant to upload the screenshot
Paul Thanks for the pointer. I looked at this setting but it isn't ticked, there were differences between my companies in a couple of other settings so I have standardised and simplified. I will see what happens now.
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