Ports for Standard ERP
Martin Hall
We have provided a tool for our school's to use, which tests the required hostname/port is opened and produces summary report, similar to below.
As part of our migration instructions, we have advised customers not to proceed with migration until they have successfully opened all of the necessary ports.

TCP 1401 RM Accounts validate.hansaworld.com For login server

TCP 444 RM Accounts cloudcontroller.hansaworld.net Web client

TCP 2000 RM Accounts cloudcontroller.hansaworld.net Web client

TCP 443 RM Accounts validate.hansaworld.com

TCP 443 RM Accounts lookup.hansaworld.com

TCP 80 RM Accounts hansaworld.com

TCP 80 RM Accounts downloads.hansaworld.com

TCP 443 RM Accounts downloads.hansaworld.com

Our technical team here noted that port 80 and 443 would generally be opened by default for internet traffic.

We cannot create a TCP session to downloads.hansaworld.com on Port 443 but can on Port 80
We also cannot create a TCP session to hansaworld.com on Port 80

Does downloads.hansaworld.com on Port 443 actually exist?

It seems unusual to have a requirement for downloads.hansaworld.com on both Ports 80 and 443

Many thanks,


Pijus Juodis

No, downloads.hansaworld.com should use port 80. Port 443 is not used with this domain.

hansaworld.com should use port 80. Just make sure it's open on the server's side.

Best regards,
HansaWorld support
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