Cannot change Invoice Date for un-ok ed Invoice?

I need to change the Sales Invoice date for an UnOk'ed invoice and have the necessary access rights in the Access Group that I belong to (Full Access to the Module: Sales Ledger and Full Access to the Action: Change Invoice Date).

So what's wrong, why can't I change the date on the Sales Invoice?
This answer was correct
Created by13:53 14 May 2013

There is a setting that is ticked in Sales Ledger>>Settings>>Account Usage S/L>>Force Chronology for Invoice, that overrides the details in the Access Group that you belong to.

If you un-tick this option, you'll be able to change the date on the Sales Invoice.

Chronology forces the user to do various actions in sequence, e.g. you can cannot Receive Goods in stock prior to a date that those goods were last invoiced.

You need to know why Chronology was set on in the first place, you cannot simply tick and un-tick this setting as that will result in problems with your Average cost prices.

HansaWorld Support Team
This answer was correct

There is a setting that is ticked in Sales Ledger>>Settings>>Account Usage S/L>>Force Chronology for Invoice, that overrides the details in the Access Group that you belong to.

If you un-tick this option, you'll be able to change the date on the Sales Invoice.

Chronology forces the user to do various actions in sequence, e.g. you can cannot Receive Goods in stock prior to a date that those goods were last invoiced.

You need to know why Chronology was set on in the first place, you cannot simply tick and un-tick this setting as that will result in problems with your Average cost prices.

HansaWorld Support Team
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