We still have the problem I reported last year. When I purchase new stock with a batch n umber, if I already have some of the batch number in stock Hansa won't let me enter more of the same BN, ie it functions more like a serial number.
Paul suggested the solution below but it made no difference.In our case the box wasn't ticked anyway.
We are now working with just one company, using latest version of Hansa. This is driving us crazy.
This answer was correct
Created byPaul Timms17:04 26 Feb 2018
This depends on a tickbox in Stock > Settings > Cost Accounting. If "Cost Price for Serial Number" is ticked, it does not allow receiving the same serial number on multiple goods receipts. If this box is unticked, it will allow you to do this. However, this means that it will not hold the cost per batch, if you buy the same batch at different prices. So you will need to decide which method suits you better.