Created byPaul Timms12:37 27 Feb 2019
Hi Gary
1. There is a new feature in 8.5 which allows the VAT Date to be entered onto purchase invoices. This will allow prior period VAT to be correctly reported on.
2. The VAT report picks up the details from the nominal ledger transactions only, so i
Hi Paul,
Thank you for the response.
1)Good to hear that this is incorporated in 8.5
2)I believe it is a legal requirement for the tax payer to maintain records that support the returned values see VAT Notice 700 para 19.2 and VAT Notice 700/21. The VAT Outputs and Inputs are fine as the Hansa records that support the numbers declared are driven directly by the two nominal accounts and it seems the VAT listing supports the net value of sales, it is the net value of purchases where we seem to have a problem.
Without a definitive list of transactions that support the net value of purchases then on a compliance review the HMRC officer would not be able to confirm which purchase invoices have been included and which have not. Without information to explain what is incorporated in net purchases then HMRC could issue an assessment based on the industry average of VAT recovery based on the declared purchases. On every VAT compliance visit I have attended I have had to explain why the VAT on Sales is not 20% of the net sales declared and without a detailed report I would not have been able to do so. It is therefore entirely likely that HMRC could ask for the same explanation where the VAT on purchases as a % of net purchases declared is inconsistent with the industry average. Without the detailed report to explain any deviation we could face an unwarranted tax liability and possibly penalties.
I really think this should be a standard report available within Hansa, otherwise the software just does not comply with the legislative requirements.
Thank you.