Login after upgrade
Kenneth Karlsson
I recently upgraded to that latest Standard ERP version and now some users cant log in.

The default company has changed from the company that they usually work with to the first company in the list and as they have no access rights to this company they cannot login. The login account has also been changed to my email address instead of the code for the user.

There is also no way to change company before logging in so they have no access.

The only way around this problem is to log in using an admin account and then change company. This is not a good solution and they then for a short time have access to the admin user.

Is there any way to change the default company name?

Regards Kenneth Karlsson

Tomas J.

All users can change company, to what they belong. On login screen, when they see company with credentials to enter, press cancel, and users will then see the company list window, to select the company they belong to.
On second login, the system remembers last login company.

Every user should have standard ID in their persons card.
Please check in System>Persons> for every user, that standard ID field has their emails, not the same for all.

Best Regards,
Hansaworld support
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