Gross Profit
Why would the Gross Profit on the P&L for a given period not match the GP Invoices for the same given period.

What variables could make these figures differ???
This answer was correct
Created by00:45 20 Sep 2013

Most likely, an invoice has been incorrectly entered into the system, thus not allowing for it to be accounted for properly in the P&L. Check to make sure that accounts for Vendors are properly entered, that all invoices have been properly entered, review prepayments and on accounts settings and transactions.

You can run both reports for shorter periods to identify when the discrepancy occurs and from there drill down into the specific transactions to identify why, where and how this is occurring.

Kind regards,

HansaWorld Support Team
This answer was correct

Most likely, an invoice has been incorrectly entered into the system, thus not allowing for it to be accounted for properly in the P&L. Check to make sure that accounts for Vendors are properly entered, that all invoices have been properly entered, review prepayments and on accounts settings and transactions.

You can run both reports for shorter periods to identify when the discrepancy occurs and from there drill down into the specific transactions to identify why, where and how this is occurring.

Kind regards,

HansaWorld Support Team
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