Timothy Kahiga Ndirangu
Hi what am i supposed to do when a prepayment in the system appears as a debtor with a balance in the customer period report yet it is a prepayment that he had set.
This answer was correct
Created byTimothy Kahiga Ndirangu10:59 20 May 2016
Hi Paul

When a customer has already done his prepayment, then later comes to collect his items we do offset his invoice by connecting it to the initial created prepayment.
my question is why does this particular customer appears on the debtors customer statements report with the same amount he had in the prepayment period yet he does not owe us any balance?
Paul Timms
Hi Timothy

Could you provide some more information about the problem? If I understand it, a prepayment has been registered to the customer using a receipt. This should be showing as a credit in the Sales Ledger, Open Invoice Customer Statement and Periodic Customer Statement reports.


Paul Timms
IT System Integrators Ltd
This answer was correct
Timothy Kahiga Ndirangu
Hi Paul

When a customer has already done his prepayment, then later comes to collect his items we do offset his invoice by connecting it to the initial created prepayment.
my question is why does this particular customer appears on the debtors customer statements report with the same amount he had in the prepayment period yet he does not owe us any balance?
Timothy Kahiga Ndirangu
Created byPaul Timms10:44 20 May 2016
Hi Timothy Could you provide some more information about the problem? If I understand it, a prepayment has been registered to the customer using a receipt. This should be showing as a credit in the Sales Ledger, Open Invoice Customer Statement and Period
Hi Paul

When a customer has already done his prepayment, then later comes to collect his items we do offset his invoice by connecting it to the initial created prepayment.
my question is why does this particular customer appears on the debtors customer statements report with the same amount he had in the prepayment period yet he does not owe us any balance?
Martins Ebersteins
Created byTimothy Kahiga Ndirangu11:00 20 May 2016
Hi Paul When a customer has already done his prepayment, then later comes to collect his items we do offset his invoice by connecting it to the initial created prepayment. my question is why does this particular customer appears on the debtors customer s
Dear Timothy,

Perhaps, it would be easier both for me and for Paul to help you, if you could provide some details about how exactly you are making prepayments?
Are you issuing them from the purchase orders as downpayment invoices and then registering the payment in the sales ledger by paying that invoice or you are doing it some other way?

Best regards,
Eberstein Business Solutions
HansaWorld Business Partner
Exceeding Customer Expectations
tHi Timothy
Was your issue on prepayment resolved?
If not please get us on >
or 0724656957

Best Regards,
Paul Wamae
HansaWorld ERP Support
PrimeSoft Solutions K Ltd
Nairobi/Nakuru, Kenya
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