How can I send out a customer letter to a specific set of customers?
I am trying to send out a customer letter to a specific set of customers but am having problems within the specification window. If I leave the customer field blank it, the system tells me to either use an " * " for multiple contacts or a range ( I cannot use a range). When I place an " * " in the field, the system starts sending out the letter to all customers. What am I missing / doing wrong?
This answer was correct
Created by22:04 14 Jun 2013
In order to send a letter to a specific set of customers you must first insert an asterisk (" * ") into the Customer field and then insert a Customer Category into the Category field. If you do not select a Category then the system by default will send a mail to all customers as indicated by the " * ". Selecting a Category will instruct the system to send the letter to all Customer who belong to the Category indicated. As well, you can further segment your list by also selecting Customer Class (Cust. Class) and Contact Class.

Kind regards,
HansaWorld Global Support
This answer was correct
In order to send a letter to a specific set of customers you must first insert an asterisk (" * ") into the Customer field and then insert a Customer Category into the Category field. If you do not select a Category then the system by default will send a mail to all customers as indicated by the " * ". Selecting a Category will instruct the system to send the letter to all Customer who belong to the Category indicated. As well, you can further segment your list by also selecting Customer Class (Cust. Class) and Contact Class.

Kind regards,
HansaWorld Global Support
Created by22:04 14 Jun 2013
In order to send a letter to a specific set of customers you must first insert an asterisk (" * ") into the Customer field and then insert a Customer Category into the Category field. If you do not select a Category then the system by default w
I have tested and if I use the "*" in the "Customer" field, while using a Classification in the "Cust.Class" field, the system will send to all contacts in the DB. I am not sure if this is a Bug or not, however I have resorted to using a "Range" in the Customer field and this sees to work as it should. Be very careful with the "*", I had to halt our Mail Gateway, and delete 5000 emails from the outbound queue!
Created by22:04 14 Jun 2013
In order to send a letter to a specific set of customers you must first insert an asterisk (" * ") into the Customer field and then insert a Customer Category into the Category field. If you do not select a Category then the system by default w
I used the "*" in the Customer field with a Classification defined in the Cust/Class field and it sent to everyone in our DB. I would be very cautious using the "*" in the Customer field. I did have success using a range in the Customer field, however.
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