Invoicing module in Hungary
Csaba Simay
Dear HansaWorld Support Team,

KR Group is using HansaWorld Standard ERP software in Poland, and its Hungarian Branch Office also took over the HansaWorld ERP system licensed by KR Group for the accounting administration of its Clients.

However, an invoicing software used for issuing invoices in Hungary has to meet the regulatory requirements listed below:
- the developer or distributor of the invoicing software is required to register the invoicing software sold according to its name, ID, client name, and the date of sale;
- the developer or distributor of the invoicing software shall indicate the tax number of the tax subject purchasing the invoicing software in the invoice issued of the sale of the invoicing software;
- during the sale or provision of the invoicing software the seller or the provider shall deliver or hand over in any other way to the buyer or user the Hungarian language documentation prepared by the developer of the invoicing software and shall inform the buyer or user of the name and ID of the invoicing software;

- this documentation - available in Hungarian, as well - shall include a detailed description of the operation and use of the invoicing software and an overview of all the functions of the invoicing software.
- the seller or provider of the invoicing software shall ensure that any addition or modification of the documentation as per describing the change in functions is available to the buyer or user.
- tax subjects using the invoicing software shall store the documentation and any addition or modification thereto until the lapse of the right for the assessment of the output tax in the invoice issued using this invoicing software. Tax subjects may fulfill such obligation of storage by electronic means as well.

Basically this means that KR Group should use an invoicing software in Hungary, which is licensed directly by the Hungarian Branch, which provides an up-to-date documentation in Hungarian language and can register the invoicing software sold to the Hungarian Branch of KR Group under a certain ID number.

My question would be whether HansaWorld's invoicing module can meet the above requirements?

Csaba Simay
Country Manager of KR Group in Hungary
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