Re: HMRC Making Tax Digital
Barry O'Neill

My apologies for the delay in my response.
Since MTD was announced we have taken measures to ensure that we (our partners and our shared clients) would be in compliance once the MTD paradigm had been coalesced, decided and enacted. We have worked with our legal departments, accounting department and external tax partners - but unfortunately could not commit to a course of action until the Crown explained what they need from us.
This week we feel that sufficient conditions have been declared that we can now respond as a corporation and service provider.

Our primary response will be to ensure compliance within our product(s). And we're comfortable, based on the Crowne's statements, that we can.

Separately we will continue to integrate with external service providers to ensure that our shared customers will have choices.
The Crowne's position may change before the deadline but HansaWorld will remain prepared and committed to being responsive.

Thank you once again,

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