Cannot delete some purchase invoices
Dil Hayre
Dear Support,

We have 2-4 purchase invoices that we are not able to delete. We have removed everything from behind the paperclip and when we try and delete the invoice we get the message "May not be removed".

Could you guide us on how we get round this issue?

Many thanks.
Paul Timms
Hi Dil

Can you confirm that the purchase invoices are not OKed? If so, please try setting all the values to 0, save the invoice, then try to delete it.


Dil Hayre
Hi Paul,

I can confirm the purchase invoices are not OKed. I tried as you suggested on one and it won't allow me to change the item line. On that invoice there is just one cost (Courier costs). I cant delete the line or change the cost to zero.

Let me know if there is anything else I can try?.

Paul Timms
Hi Dil

That's odd. If they are not OKed and you have full access to purchase invoices, I can't think why it wouldn't let you change them. There's nothing different about these few purchase invoices that you can see? For example are they credit notes or something like that?


Dil Hayre
Hi Paul,

I couldn't set the values to zero so just asked our Finance Manager and he couldn't either. They are purchase invoices and not something else like credit notes. What our Finance Manager is wondering is, could it be that these invoices have been sent for approval and thats why we cannot now change the value?

It seems these invoices are stuck in limbo. The approvers cant do anything with them either. Is there another tag or process that might be linked to these which need to be undone before they can be deleted?

Our Finance Director thought it might be to do with some sort of alert but we are not sure where to locate those.

Does any of that make sense?

Kind regards
Paul Timms
Hi Dil

I'm not sure which version you're on but in the Invoice Address tab you should see the Approval Status. If it is anything other than Not Required then this could the cause of your problem. One way around it would be to temporarily remove the approval rules for purchase invoices, do some kind of update on one of these purchase invoices - even if it doesn't let you change a field, it should change the window status to "Update", then press Save, and see if the approval status changes back to Not Required. If this works, do the same for the other purchase invoices. Once finished, reinstate the approval rules.


This answer was useful
Dil Hayre
Hi Paul,

Thank you for your suggestion. We are a bit nervous about removing approval rules and then re-applying.

However, we have found a solution. We didnt realise but do now to look at activities. There was an activity associated with each invoice and by deleting the activity we were then able to delete the invoice.

Thank you for your help.

Paul Timms
Hi Dil

Glad you sorted it, I've learned something too! Can you let me know which version you're using?


Dil Hayre
Created byPaul Timms13:34 28 Aug 2015
Hi Dil Glad you sorted it, I've learned something too! Can you let me know which version you're using? Regards Paul
Hi Paul,

Sure, it is v7.2.

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