Send To Excel Creates Columns at Every Comma
Kate Clark
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When I send a report to Excel, the data is split into a separate column everywhere there is a comma, which is making all of my Excel exports unusable because none of the data in the columns line up correctly. (Sales, Inventory, Goods Receipts, etc)

Quantities, Price, Customer names - anything with a comma in it is getting split into separate columns - I've attached a screenshot showing what is happening.

It did not used to do this, it must have been since our most recent update, we're on version 8.5 2024-08-05.

Is this a report setting? Can someone help me, please? I would really appreciate it.

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Kate Clark
Never mind, it was my own issue - sorry to bother. You can delete this
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Kate Clark
Never mind, it was my own issue - sorry to bother. You can delete this ...
21:35 13 Sep 2024
Boa tarde . Quando fazemos uma fatura com 2 ou mais páginas, na parte inferior da primeira págin...
15:18 2 Sep 2024
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