How can I deleta a transaction? I have entered wrong date and marked it as OK. System does not allow me to make a return.
This answer was correct
Created byPaul Timms12:17 24 Mar 2017
Hi Justas

If the goods receipt was created from a purchase order, you can create a returned goods to supplier from the goods receipt, you will find it in the Create menu.

If the goods receipt was created by clicking New, you will need to create a stock depreciation for the same items and on the same date as the goods receipt. Then, you will need to duplicate the goods receipt and set the date to the correct date.


Paul Timms
IT System Integrators Ltd
Swati Desai
Hi Justas

In order to help you we need to know which module you are in and what function you are performing. You could follow the sample below

Module >> Purchase Ledger>>Supplier Invoice>> I create an invoice with the wrong date and wish to pass a credit note to reverse the invoice and re-enter a new one.

Many thanks

Created bySwati Desai22:01 23 Mar 2017
Hi Justas In order to help you we need to know which module you are in and what function you are performing. You could follow the sample below Sample Module >> Purchase Ledger>>Supplier Invoice>> I create an invoice with the wrong d
Switch module >> Stock >> Registers >> Goods receipts >> I have created and marked as OK a goods receipt with the wrong date. How can I delete it or change date?
This answer was correct
Paul Timms
Created byJustas06:39 24 Mar 2017
Switch module >> Stock >> Registers >> Goods receipts >> I have created and marked as OK a goods receipt with the wrong date. How can I delete it or change date?
Hi Justas

If the goods receipt was created from a purchase order, you can create a returned goods to supplier from the goods receipt, you will find it in the Create menu.

If the goods receipt was created by clicking New, you will need to create a stock depreciation for the same items and on the same date as the goods receipt. Then, you will need to duplicate the goods receipt and set the date to the correct date.


Paul Timms
IT System Integrators Ltd
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