Fixed asset depreciation report (Standard Books by excellent)
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We are an Estonian company and we use the Standar Books software provided by your Estonian distributor.
In connection with the annual accounting audit, a problem appeared with the fixed asset monthly depreciation report.
Our company has fixed assets divided into 12 fixed asset classes. In the depreciation report, there is a problem with one of them, which in turn is divided into subclasses.

In the depreciation report for one subclass, it gives the sum of all the monthly depreciation values as something other than what the values actually add up to (eg 1+1 = 5).

From January to August 2022, everything was OK. From September until today, he no longer gives the sum of depreciation values as 1+1=2, but e.g. 1+1 =5.
If something has happened to a fixed asset card, the change must not only be reflected in the total amount, but the depreciation value of the specific fixed asset must also change (before 1+1 =2, now 1+4=5 not 1+1=5).

Is it a programming error?
What could cause such an error?
How to find and fix it?
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Brittany McGrath
Please contact Excellent Business Solutions for further assistance on your question.

Customer Service
Monday–Friday, 9:00–17:00
+372 669 1111

Kind regards.
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