E-mail delivery receipt
Kate Kaufmane
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Customer noticed that all outgoing emails contain a hidden image that he thinks is used for a kind of "read receipt" function.
It is of this form:

Is it possible to turn this off?
Kate Kaufmane
form was not copied correctly, it is something like this:

img src="http://hansaworld.gjjgroup.com.au:0/SetExternalMailReadFlag/352787/test-3fe1d6@test.mailgenius.com/img.png" height="1" width="1
Brittany McGrath
Hi Kate,
Thank you for your question.

I have asked someone from our technical team to assist accordingly and they will come back to you shortly.
More for you soon.
Brittany McGrath
Hi Kate,
I have been advised you were helped directly with this issue.
Can you confirm this is no longer an issue?
Many thanks.
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