client cannot connect to server
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the server is working fine. local client on the server opening fine. any other client on another machine cannot connect. first the error was "Internet user on server reached". i did unstall the client from one of the pcs that cannot connect. tried to install a fresh client. setting up the client to connect to existing server its giving error "file download failed, make sure the attachment exists" . what could be issue.
customer number: 25400163
contract: 925400474
Brittany McGrath
Hi Moses,
Thank you for your question.

I have asked someone from our technical team to assist accordingly and they will come back to you shortly.
More for you soon.
Brittany McGrath
Hi Moses,
I was advised someone helped you directly with this.
Can you advise if this is still an issue?
Many thanks.
Created byBrittany McGrath12:36 22 Apr 2022
Hi Moses, I was advised someone helped you directly with this. Can you advise if this is still an issue? Many thanks.
am only able to connect with a client only installed on the same server. any other client installed on a different machine cannot connect.
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