can not connect to server
Jonas Henriksson
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Our server seems to be down, i can not connect again, nobody contact us at any point. This is embarrassing. We need someone to contact us more that sending monthly invoices.
This answer was correct
Created byAhmed Gharaibeh15:36 22 Dec 2021
Hi Rederi,

Can you please try to reinstall your client using the latest version and check if the issue is still repeatable,

Please inform us if this solve the issue
This answer was correct
Ahmed Gharaibeh
Hi Rederi,

Can you please try to reinstall your client using the latest version and check if the issue is still repeatable,

Please inform us if this solve the issue
Jonas Henriksson
Created byAhmed Gharaibeh15:36 22 Dec 2021
Hi Rederi, Can you please try to reinstall your client using the latest version and check if the issue is still repeatable, Please inform us if this solve the issue
Our server still seems to be down, i can not connect!!!!!
Whats`s the propblem?

I need help!
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